

65 Tips for Going Green

This library contains a prioritized list of solutions for going green.  Visit http://www.carbondiet.ca/green-living/going-green-tips/best-going-green-tips.html


Plant A Tree Challenge

This program from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources challenges groups or individuals to take part in tree planting. Visit www.mnr.gov.on.ca or call 1.800.667.1940 or 905.713.7400.


Evergreen Community Tree Planting Grant Program 

Grants of $5,000 to $15,000 are available to support native tree-planting projects on publicly accessible lands in Ontario’s cities and towns. Visit http://www.evergreen.ca/en/cg/cg-funding.html or call 416.596.1495 ext 285.


Breathing Earth

A real time simulation which displays the CO2 emissions of every country around the world, as well as their birth and death rates. For more information visit www.breathingearth.net.


Conservation & Environmental Programs 

Durham Partners in Project Green 

The focus of this new program is on supporting and recognizing the positive practical environmental actions that businesses can take. For more information, visit www.partnersinprojectgreen.com/durham or call 905.985.3279.


Pickering Blooms

Take part in the garden competition. Showcase your floral displays. Adopt a park or plant trees. Visit http://www.cityofpickering.com/PickeringBlooms/main.html or call 905.683.7575..


Ontario EcoSchools

This environmental education program addresses both how schools are run and what students learn. It incorporates environmental education as well as environmentally responsible action into the school setting. Visit http://ontarioecoschools.org/.



ECO-CELLTM is a cell phone recycling program that encourages responsible waste management of electronic materials. Through the recycling of cell phones, and other small electronic devices we are able to help in the preservation of critical lowland gorilla rainforest habitat in Africa. To learn more visit www.eco-cell.org.



The ecoACTION site contains information on ecoENERGY, ecoTRANSPORT and the Trust Fund for Clean Air and Climate For more information, visit www.ecoaction.gc.ca/index-eng.cfm.


Durham Region

Durham Green Drinks

Do you want to meet a lively group of friendly people interested in environmental issues from academia, business, government and NGOs for good conversation? If so, join us for drinks! There’s no agenda or other formality - it's a chance to meet regularly to chat, debate, socialize and connect with other Durham residents and business people passionate about environmental and sustainability issues. For more information, visit http://www.greendrinks.org/index.phpcountry=Canada&city=Durham%20Region.


Durham Farm Fresh  

The Durham Farm Fresh Marketing Association encourages consumers to purchase produce fresh from the farm. These producers often sell their products from the field or greenhouse at the farm gate, reducing long distance transportation and guaranteeing a fresh final product. For more information, visit www.durhamfarmfresh.ca.


Region of Durham

Guide to municipal government services, tourist and business information,The Regional Municipality of Durham, The countryside just east of Toronto. www.region.durham.on.ca.


City Of Pickering

Official site with a directory of department pages, services and contact information. Includes community links, and a searchable business directory. www.cityofpickering.com.


Sustainable Pickering 

The Office of Sustainability, together with the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee, is working to make Pickering a more sustainable city. www.sustainablepickering.com.


Town of Ajax

Directory of local information, including business, events, education, government, entertainment, and tourism. www.townofajax.com.


Town of Whitby

Includes information on the government, demographics, business and industry, news, lifestyle, and tourism. www.town.whitby.on.ca .


City of Oshawa

Official site featuring information about city hall, municipal government, business, community, and tourism.
www.oshawa.ca .


Municipality of Clarington

Includes information on the government, demographics, business and industry, news, lifestyle, and tourism.www.clarington.net.


Township of Uxbridge

Uxbridge has much to offer by way of recreation, entertainment, heritage and culture,a thriving arts community and the opportunity to participate in any one of the countless volunteer organizations that actively contribute to the quality of life in this vibrant community that we are all so proud of www.town.uxbridge.on.ca.


Township of Scugog

Official site featuring information about city hall, municipal government, business, community, and tourism.www.township.scugog.on.ca.


Township of Brock

Official site featuring information about city hall, municipal government, business, community, and tourism.www.townshipofbrock.ca.


Durham Tourism

Just minutes east of Toronto lies Durham Region, a place with rolling hills, farms and small towns. Discover a pleasant mix of rural charm and urban sophistication. Durham Region has something for everyone. For more information, visit www.durhamtourism.ca.


Eating Locally

Kawartha Ecological Growers 

They are an organization that supports eating locally and supporting sustainable food production. Great way to reduce your footprint! For more information, please visit www.kawarthaecologicalgrowers.com


Green Ontario

A useful tool to inform you of different locations where you can purchase Food Boxes (filled with local produce). You can also find  an extensive list of local farmers markets in your area. For more information, please visit www.greenontario.org


100 Mile Diet 

This website will show you what your 100 mile radius is by inputting your hometown and provides information on how you can support your local farmers. For more information, please visit www.100milediet.org.



ecoEnergy Retrofit

This federal program from Natural Resources Canada offers property owners grants for improving the energy efficiency of their homes and reducing their home’s impact on the environment. Visit http://www.oee.nrcan.gc.ca/residential/personal/retrofit-homes/retrofit-qualify-grant.cfm?attr=4


Every Kilowatt Counts Power Savings Event

Residential customers who sign up and reduce their energy consumption by 10% over the contest period can win green prizes. Visit http://everykilowattcounts.ca/residential/powersavings/.


Ontario Green Energy and Economy Act

The Green Energy Act will make Ontario a global leader in clean, renewable energy and conservation, creating thousands of jobs, economic prosperity, energy security and climate protection. For more information, visit http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/environment/en/legislation/green_energy_act/index.htm.  


Peaksaver Program

Veridian Connections offers homeowners a $25 incentive if they sign up to have Veridian temporarily power down air conditioners during peak energy use periods. Visit http://veridian.on.ca/conservation_residential_peaksaver.php.


10 Smart Meter Lane

Shows how the cost of running appliances changes at different times of the day or week. Visit http://www.ieso.ca/house/.


We Conserve

We conserve is an initiative hosted by The Conservation Council of Ontario.  We conserve is all of us together, each doing our part and supporting each other to become better conservers. To learn more visit http://www.weconserve.ca/cco/.


Bullfrog Power

Bullfrog Power is Canada’s leading 100% green electricity provider. Bullfrog Power is the only company providing a 100% low-impact renewable electricity choice to everyone in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. For more information, visit www.bullfrogpower.com.


Durham Strategic Energy Alliance (DSEA)

A non-profit organization comprised of business, government and educational institutions working together for the advancement of energy initiatives. For more information, visit www.dsea.ca.


Environmental and Government Organizations

Green Communities Canada

Green Communities Canada is a national network of community-based non-profit organizations that deliver innovative environmental programs and services, with a focus on household and community action. For more information visit www.gca.ca.


David Suzuki Foundation

Since 1990, the David Suzuki Foundation has worked to find ways for society to live in balance with the natural world that sustains us. Focusing on four program areas – oceans and sustainable fishing, climate change and clean energy, sustainability, and the Nature Challenge - the Foundation uses science and education to promote solutions that conserve nature and help achieve sustainability within a generation.Visit www.davidsuzuki.org.


Natural Resources Canada

Promote the sustainable development and responsible use of Canada's mineral, energy and forestry resources. For more information, visit www.nrcan.gc.ca.



A private sector, not-for-profit corporation that supports the commercialization and market acceptance of innovative technologies and environmentally sustainable solutions through stakeholder consultation and the provision of business and technical services domestically and internationally. To learn More visit www.oceta.on.ca.




This is a community-based social marketing program that is delivered in a friendly, driver-to-driver format. The program promotes fuel-saving options through three core messages: drive fuel-efficiently, buy fuel efficiently and drive less. To learn more please visit www.ecodriver.org.  


Clean Air Commute

Businesses can register with Pollution Probe to encourage employees to commute in ways that promote cleaner air. Visit http://www.pollutionprobe.org/cleanair/index.html. Register by calling 416.926.1907 ext. 244.


Smart Commute Durham Region

Help reduce traffic congestion and take action on climate change through transportation efficiency. For more information, visit www.smartcommutedurham.ca or call 1.888.444.5758.


Retire Your Ride

Retire Your Ride is an initiative of The Government of Canada, Clean Air Foundation and its partners, designed to enable people to get their high-polluting cars off the road and reward them for doing so. For more information please visit www.retireyourride.ca.


Waste & Recycling

Durham Region's Waste Website

Website for residents to access information on curbside waste collection, special collection events,  and handling hazardous waste. For more information, visit www.durhamregionwaste.ca

Recycling Council of Ontario

Provides information concerning recycling and waste minimization programs in the province of Ontario. Includes related links. www.rco.on.ca.

Waste Diversion Ontario

Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) is a non-crown corporation created under the Waste Diversion Act (WDA) on June 27, 2002. WDO was established to develop, implement and operate waste diversion programs for a wide range of materials. For more information, visit www.wdo.ca.

Do What You Can.ca

This website is designed to help you find places to drop-off household hazardous and special wastes and unwanted electronics that can’t be put in your Blue Box and should. For more information, visit www.dowhatyoucan.ca.



Well Aware 

Well Aware encourages Ontario’s residential well owners to protect their wells and our common groundwater supplies. For more information visit www.wellaware.ca.  


Yellow Fish Road Program

Trout Unlimited Canada's Yellow Fish Road™ Program is a nation-wide environmental education initiative. Since 1991, thousands of Canadians have learned about water pollution and the impact it has on the health of the local water body. For more information visit  www.yellowfishroad.org.



RiverSides is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating RiverSafe communities. They protect rivers by reducing runoff pollution from individual properties through education and providing the tools people need to make the connection between personal action and healthy rivers. For more information visit www.riversides.org.


The Story of Bottled Water

The Story of Bottled Water,employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand—how you get Americans to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap. Over seven minutes, the film explores the bottled water industry’s attacks on tap water and its use of seductive, environmental-themed advertising to cover up the mountains of plastic waste it produces. For more information visit www.storyofstuff.org/bottledwater